Page 7 - 162AdamLayYBounden
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  Christmas at MMC
Three new, refreshing and not too difficult Christmas Carols by Paul Chamberlain
Away in a Manger (also SA and TB) SATB150, Hark! The Herald Angels Sing SATB149, Silent Night SATB153
Also available as a set SATB154
We Wish You A Merry Christmas - Blessing (JM) SATB 132. Short a cappella combination of We Wish You A Merry
Christmas with a suitable seasonal blessing. Perfect for the end of your Carol Service or other Christmas event or worship.
We Wish You A Merry Christmas - Ruth McCall SATB 129. SSATBB A virtuosic arrangement of this festive classic that
every choir needs.
A Child This Day Is Born (JM) SATB 122. SATB and Organ. The 2012 Christmas Offering from Jim.
A Babe Is Born (JM) SATB 120. A modern carol, fitting for concert, Carol Service or liturgical use.
Wolcum Yole! (JM) SATB 105. A great start for your Carol Service SATB Organ
The Wexford Carol SATB 100. Our 100th Title!! Really, this is a slinky number for basses and baritones, (with folk style
solo), but everyone else gets to join in too.
And He Shall Feed His Flock (JM) SATB 075. Unaccompanied lilting version of Handel's famous Messiah aria, with solo
opportunities. As featured on BBC Radio 4
The Cherry Tree Carol SATB 073. A new version of this traditional carol. As usual an excellent composition from Barry
Russell. Also SA.
Whence Is That Goodly Fragrance SATB 023. Arr. Andrew Proverbs. Traditional French Christmas piece, great piano part.
The Morgan Music Company, 2015. SATB 162

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